Check out some of these tracks. Hudson's off-key monotone vocals, and the backing female vocals, along with his magnificent production, make this a great listen.
Other more obvious favorites for me in the dub genre include: Lee 'Scratch' Perry Roast Fish, Collie Weed, and Cornbread (my favorite dub album and the first one to introduce me to the world of Dub), Augustus Pablo's Original Rockers, as well as Augustus Pablo's King Tubby Meets Rockers Uptown, Burning Spear Marcus Garvey/Garvey Ghost, and Lee 'Scratch' Perry's Superape. I'm sure there are a few more up there for me, but these are the ones that I really enjoy off the top of my head. Of course, as Summer rolls around, I may be posting more upon the topics of Dub and Reggae, as I tend to pull out the Dub and Reggae favorites around the Summer season, so stay tuned!